In the world of health care, no two days are the same. Industrial accidents, natural disasters, 大规模伤亡事件都是非常真实的紧急情况,需要医疗服务提供者的专业知识. 这些高压力的情况需要医疗保健专业人员迅速采取行动,作为一个团队,同时解决无休止的意想不到的因素. To prepare students for life after graduation, 护理学院与威斯康星医学院(MCW)合作,为初级护理学生和MCW居民举办了一个灾难讲习班.

The disaster workshop included five stations. 其中三个包括实践学习经验,其中包括高保真假人模型和真人演员扮演的病人. MSOE护理学生和MCW居民组成的跨专业团队在急诊室照顾一位接触化学物质的病人, 在龙卷风后的大规模伤亡事件中为病人分诊, 还帮助了一名在模拟爆炸后被困在横梁下的受害者. 他们还听取了Flight for Life护士关于如何为运送病人做准备的演讲,以及MSOE公共安全中士特雷弗·施密特(Trevor Schmitt)关于活跃枪手的演讲.

 Station one was a chemical exposure simulation. For this, one MCW resident took the lead, calling out orders on what was needed to stabilize the patient. 这包括所需药物和液体的种类和数量的说明, intubation, and requesting information on patient status. Nursing students moved forward with monitoring vital signs, providing respiratory support, and administering IV fluids and medications to the patient.

“与跨学科团队合作比我想象的要好得多,” said Kayla McQuestion, MSOE nursing student. “我们小组的MCW居民在我们去的时候做了很好的解释, which was really helpful.”

Throughout the simulation, MCW的住院医生向MSOE的学生寻求帮助,并检查他们在照顾病人时是否有问题或任何其他想法. 这次合作让学生们深入了解了他们未来的职业生涯.

“我们的护理专业学生毕业后将与医生一起工作, 所以这种经历让他们学会了在照顾病人时如何有效地合作和沟通,” said Dr. Carol Sabel, School of Nursing professor and chair. “协作和沟通对于医生和护士提供高质量的患者护理至关重要. 这种做法应该有助于他们认识到这一点的重要性.”

A second station was a mass casualty, 学生必须使用事件指挥技能和SALT (sort, assess, lifesaving interventions, treatment/transportation) triage to prioritize patient care. 这次体验模拟了龙卷风过后,许多病人需要帮助. Live actors portrayed a wide variety of injuries, ranging from hearing loss, difficulty breathing, amputations and even death. 学生们被要求用不同颜色的卡片对病人进行分类,以表明他们的护理优先级. The cards included green for minor injuries, yellow for “delayed care”, red as needs immediate attention, and black signifying the person was deceased.

The actors in this simulation included MSOE alumni, faculty, staff, nursing students and community members. 他们通过大喊大叫来制造混乱,以确保模拟尽可能真实, loud noises and movement. 这种混乱使学生们经历了许多情景,为他们的未来做准备.

“在当今世界,这对学生来说是非常重要的训练,”萨贝尔说. “It exposes them to a lot of different situations. In just this room we have amputation, shortness of breath, 一个死去的孩子能帮助他们理解什么会触发他们的情绪, and how to work through that. If they are faced with something similar in real life, they can feel confident in their ability to react and help.”

护理专业的学生Tony Truong很重视这个团队合作的机会. “The teamwork was very cohesive,” said Truong. “We weren’t afraid to ask questions or help each other out. 在医院或卫生保健机构工作时,练习团队合作和事情的流程是很好的.”

最后的实践经验要求团队照顾一个在啤酒厂爆炸后被困在2000磅横梁下的病人. 在移除光束之前和之后,这个小组都需要安全地照顾病人. In this simulation, the lights were off, and the students wore headlamps while caring for the patient. Similar to the chemical exposure, MCW住院医师带头提供和指导稳定患者所需的整体护理,护理学生在提供护理的同时,运用批判性思维提出问题,并根据他们的观察提出建议.

Behind the scenes, MCW引导者操纵病人的生命体征和整体状态,挑战学生在极端情况下的应变能力. MCW和MSOE的引导员也在房间里与参与者一起提供建议和指导学习经验.

With just a few weeks left in the semester, 这次模拟是为了让学生有机会练习事故指挥原理, work with an interprofessional team, understand the main principles of a mass casualty event, and gain practice reacting to a variety of situations. “这次模拟的目的是让学生们接触到不同的场景,这样如果面对大规模伤亡,他们就可以自信地说, ‘okay, I have training in this. I know what to do,’” explained Sabel.